Understanding the motivations of consumers for the acquisition of local foods: a bibliometric analysis
Consumption; motivations; local food; sustainability.Abstract
The objective of this work was to understand the motivations of consumers for the acquisition of locally produced food, through bibliometry. For the selection of documents, the Scopus database was used, with time delimitation of 2010-2020 and the combination of keywords: "Local and food and perception'' or ''Consumption and of and local and foods'' or ''Alternative and food and network'' and ''Consumers'' and ''Perceptions''. 91 documents were obtained. In this context, there is an increasing number of documents published from the year 2015, the countries with the highest concentration of studies were the USA and Italy and Sustainability is the most outstanding journal. After the application of methodi inordinatio, the ten best ranked articles were submitted to a content analysis, stratified into three dimensions of analysis associated with motivations for the consumption of local foods. In general, consumers are motivated by sustainable production, distribution and consumption; intrinsic factors linked to consumption such as taste, quality and confidence; factors related to territorial traditions and characteristics. To a large extent, these motivations are intertwined and promote the consumption of local foods.
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