Sustainable food, water and energy production and consumption initiatives at a global scale
Sustainable Initiatives; Sustainable Production and Consumption; Sustainable development.Abstract
In terms of the crucial topics of food, water, and energy, one must think and act from the local to the global to create initiatives that contribute to sustainable development and responsible production and consumption. Accordingly, by focusing on the three axes of food, water, and energy, the present study was targeted to identify global actions inherent to sustainable production and consumption, thereby contributing to the 2030 Agenda, which promotes sustainable practices. These goals were achieved throw a four-step approach: (i) diagnosing global actions and initiatives serving production and sustainable consumption efforts, (ii) identifying worldwide locations where they are located, reorganization by the axes of water, food, and energy, (iii) categorizing between developed and developing countries, and finally, (iv) discussion regarding the significance of the three pillars of sustainability (social, economic, and environmental). The results, developed in Germany, highlight the many steps inherent to the process, particularly the energy axis.
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