Triple bottom line evaluation in a health work cooperative
This research focuses on the area of organizational sustainability and aims to evaluate the sustainability actions carried out by a cooperative in the health sector and classify them within the three dimensions of the TBL. It is a descriptive and documentary research. For the analysis, the Corporate Environmental Policy (PAE) instrument was used, built on the basis of art. 5.2 of ISO 14001 and the principles of the document Business Charter for Sustainable Development, developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in 1990. The study concludes that the cooperative satisfactorily contemplates social and environmental aspects in its sustainability policy, demonstrating the need for greater attention to strategic management processes to present more solutions for the development of the cooperative's economic sustainability. As contributions to the study, the need for greater investment in communicating sustainability actions to stakeholders and the need for more investments in the development of the economic sustainability axis were identified. The latter presented the lowest number of projects in the 2020 sustainability report
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