Innovative performance influenced by organizational isomorphism in the Local Production Arrangement (LPA) of Clothing Manufacturers in Taquaral de Goiás/GO.
: local productive arrangement (LPA), search for knowledge, innovative performance, organizational isomorphism, mixed methodAbstract
In Brazil, Local Productive Arrangements (LPAs) make up public policy to support business clusters with significant development potential, thus, this study deals with these productive agglomerations and their relationships with organizational innovation with the objective of analyzing the occurrence of organizational isomorphism and the search for knowledge among companies participating in the LPA of Clothing Manufacturers in Taquaral de Goiás, State of Goiás, observing the effects of these elements on the innovative performance of the LPA. The research used a mixed method, of the explanatory sequential type, and generated a representation of the processes of isomorphism and search for knowledge. In the initial quantitative stage of the study, a questionnaire was applied, based on an existing scale. Next, a qualitative stage was carried out, which aimed to expand the results by identifying exploratory and exploitative sources of knowledge. The phenomena effectively identified were mimetic isomorphism and the search for exploitative knowledge. The search for exploratory knowledge was less intense. Both categories of knowledge search influenced the innovative performance of the APL. Social networks and other companies in the group stood out as sources of knowledge/imitation and, despite companies showing a lot of willingness to practice normative isomorphism and carry out the search for exploratory knowledge, these processes occur at a lower intensity. Although the focus was on an LPA of great relevance to that region, as it is a single LPA, this is a limitation of this study, although it can be applied or expanded to other arrangements.
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