Analysis of the characteristics of public policies concerning the promotion of sustainable bioeconomy
Sustainable Agricultural Policies; State policies; Public policy Compliance; Sustainable Rural Development; Carbon SequestrationAbstract
Brazil has signed several international agreements towards to become an actor in favor of mechanisms to mitigate climate change, a climate emergency. Internally, the country has at its disposal, the mechanisms of public policies, to implement the contractual clauses signed, for example, those policies directed to the agribusiness segment, as a supporting sector, whose production chain depends on the natural resources for the food, fiber and alternative sources of energy productions. But, as known the agribusiness sector accounts for environmental liabilities around the environment and strength to the global climate regulation. From this perspective, the scientific proposition of bioeconomics, now with the emerging aspect of sustainable bioeconomics, brings as a principle, the replacement of fossil energies by renewable natural energies, like the energies to be captured from biomass. In this context, it has motivated to answer the following guiding question of this study: What are the specificities and respective actions from public policies serve as drivers for the real promotion to bioeconomy for agribusiness scope, found in the literature? Thus, this study aims to analyze the specificities and respective actions from public policies serve as drivers for the real promotion to bioeconomy for agribusiness scope, found in the literature. This is an exploratory and descriptive research. A systematic integrative review was applied. Iramuteq digital tool was applied to analyze the data collected on the Scopus platform. The finds evidenced that policies typified as regulatory, constitutive, social, economic, of infrastructures can be used as a state policy, whose elements can direct the effective attainment of the established objectives.
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