Challenges in Engineering Education:
integrating computational thinking and 3D simulations
This article explores the challenges and opportunities in engineering education by integrating Computational Thinking and 3D simulations as pedagogical tools. The main objective is to assess how this combination can enhance the training of engineers, especially in the context of Industry 4.0, which demands advanced skills in programming and automation. The research was conducted through a practical workshop, where Control and Automation Engineering students were challenged to carry out activities that combined 3D simulations with programming Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) using the Ladder language. The main challenges identified include the complexity of students' adaptation to new technologies and the need for appropriate technical and pedagogical resources. The results indicate that using 3D simulations, combined with the development of Computational Thinking, fosters a deeper understanding of programming concepts and provides an authentic experience of real-world engineering situations. Future perspectives point to expanding the use of these methodologies in different engineering disciplines to evaluate them in various educational contexts.
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