Development and good living in a world heritage city: marketing of places and the perspectives of residents and visitors on São Miguel das Missões- RS


  • Luciana Scherer Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUÍ).
  • Sérgio Luís Allebrandt Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul



Place Marketing. Tourism. Development. Sao Miguel das Missions. Planning.


Place Marketing is an area of ​​growing importance for the planning and development of creative, sustainable cities that are aware of the dynamics of coexistence between tourists and residents.

It is intended, in this exploratory research, to reflect on the importance of marketing tools in the development of places, seeking knowledge about perceptions about important aspects for a well living and well visiting city, in the view of people who interact and play ocioeconomic roles, as residents or as tourists/visitors in São Miguel das Missões - RS, a city that houses the only World Cultural Heritage in Southern Brazil. It is believed that through research of this type it is possible to promote the qualification of managers in tourism planning, in order to guide cooperative actions in the public and private sector. As a result, an agenda for future investigations on knowledge of perceptions is presented, identifying gaps between reality and the perception of those involved in the place, thus subsidizing planning with real elements for small municipalities.

Author Biographies

Luciana Scherer, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (UNIJUÍ).

Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Regional (UNIJUÍ). Servidora Pública da Secretaria de Turismo, Cultura e Desenvolvimento de São Miguel das Missões.

Sérgio Luís Allebrandt, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutor em Desenvolvimento Regional. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional da UNIJUÍ.


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2023-05-31 — Updated on 2023-06-01



