The use of digital technological resources and their impacts:
a dialog with students of technical courses integrated into secondary education in the federal education network in Santa Catarina
Throughout history, technological resources have played a significant role in human beings’ lives. Currently, the use of these resources in digital format has increased considerably, influencing the lives of children, adolescents, young adults and adults, and this expansion has raised questions about the limits between healthy and abusive use. With this problem in mind, the objective of this article is to present and discuss the impacts derived from the use of digital technological resources, according to the view of newcoming students of courses that integrate secondary and technical education at the public Federal institution in the state of Santa Catarina. With the contribution of 192 participants, the data was obtained during a talking circle about the topic and analyzed using a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory approach, as well as bibliographical research on the subject. An alignment between the indications presented by the authors and the material collected from the students was observed, and these students pointed out that the negative impacts are mainly on their studies, health, socialization and interaction, whether with close people or not. This debate is considered from the perspective of the intersectionality of the impacted areas and urgently needs to be addressed in the school space.
Keywords: Digital technological resources; Technical education; Secondary education; Secondary Education Students.
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