Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM): a necessary perspective for beach sustainability in the face of climate change
The coastal zone, despite all the dynamism and inherent resilience of the ecosystem, has a natural vulnerability that makes it a region potentially impacted by either the disorderly use and occupation of the environment or the adverse and extreme effects of the climate emergency, such as: changes in rainfall patterns, saline intrusion, ocean acidification, flooding, and coastal erosion. Understanding the social, cultural, environmental, and economic relevance of this region to the human population, efficient planning and development of strategies aimed at conserving these ecosystems are essential. This article consists of a literature review aiming to present an overview of ecosystem-based management in beach systems. In recent decades, especially after a series of scientific reports and international agreements, coastal management has presented a new perspective focused on an integrated ecosystem approach. Despite advances, there are major challenges, possibly still with institutional barriers and failures in data integration between scientists/researchers and management agents.
Keywords: Ecosystem-Based Management, beaches, climate emergency
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