Evolutionary regional resilience and the impacts of Covid-19: the role of cooperativism in Vale do Paranhana/RS
This study investigated the impact of cooperative actions in Vale do Paranhana on regional resilience, with a special focus on the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Regional resilience has been defined as the capacity of a territory to design and implement new resources and capabilities that allow positive adaptation to environmental changes. Cooperativism, with its emphasis on the development of people and companies, becomes essential for the progress of municipalities and regions, especially considering the economic and social impacts of the pandemic. Three cooperatives operating in Vale do Paranhana were studied through case studies. Interviews with managers of these cooperatives revealed that they have contributed to the development and resilience of the region in several ways, such as ensuring support for the population, supporting credit and entrepreneurship, in addition to promoting local products. These findings corroborate the literature, highlighting the importance of regional strategies that promoted collaboration between different types of economic, social and political entities in the activities' value chain. This alignment suggests that the development of external skills to create regional resilience is fundamental in a constantly evolving context. In summary, cooperatives played a crucial role in regional resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Paranhana Valley, contributing to the economic and social health of the region, in line with existing literature on the topic.
Keywords: cooperativism; regional resilience; Covid-19
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