O lugar da cultura na teoria do desenvolvimento de Amartya Sen: apontamentos conceituais
Amartya Sen. Culture and development. Conceptual analysis. Cultural studies.Abstract
This paper presents the result of a study about the dedicated space to culture in Amartya Sen's theory, exposing details of this sophisticated theoretical tool, which aims to explain some of the complexities and subtleties inherent in this field of investigation. The bibliographical review recovers the precursor debates about the relationship between culture and development, which date back to classical modernity, detailing the interdisciplinary dialogues established by Amartya Sen in his theory of development. Abstractions contained in Senian theory, related to the cultural dimension, are analyzed, detecting influences and theoretical choices, as well as methodological criteria to guide and deepen the scientific debate around the cultural theme. The characteristics of the relationship between culture and development are identified in the aforementioned theory, such as the conditioning, influential and interfering natures. It is evaluated that Senian theory for development is inserted in the interdisciplinary debates established by Cultural Studies.
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