Historical pathways of family livestock and processes of changes in the Campanha Gaúcha (RS) region





Family livestock. Evolutionary Economics. Law Suit. Family dynamics.


The brazilian agricultural scenario has been marked by production systems that are increasingly technology intensive. However, the heterogeneity of the rural brings the multiplicity of production systems, not always recognized, such as beef cattle in the Region of Campanha in RS. In view of such diversity, this article has as general objective: to identify changes in the productive processes of family livestock through their historical trajectories in the Campanha Gaúcha do RS. The theoretical framework uses guiding concepts of evolutionary economics for the interpretation of empirical reality. In the methodological procedures, a qualitative approach and multiple case study were chosen. Three cases were identified to be studied, conducted through interviews with family farmers. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis techniques. The categories analyzed in this article were: 1. Family history; 2. Trajectory in livestock; 3. Practices from previous generations. Family histories show the generational presence of livestock among all respondents, although some paths are different. In the trajectories of the interviewees themselves in cattle raising, some begin their activity on family property, others are linked to trajectories in rural work and acquire their own areas. As for the practices of previous generations, the perceptions are variable, from those who insist on changes to those who report the continuity of some practices. From this, the processes of change in family livestock can be perceived as continuous in their historical trajectories, reaffirming their adaptability and care in introducing changes in their production systems that de-characterize them.

Author Biographies

Tatielle Belem Langbecker, Professora da Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA).

Doutorado em Extensão Rural (UFSM).  

Alessandro Porporatti Arbage, Professor da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).

Doutorado em Administração (UFRGS). 

João Garibaldi Almeida Viana, Professor da Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA).

Doutorado em Agronegócio (UFRGS). 


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