Explainable AI to reduce information asymmetry in consumer relations:
a comparative analysis of tools and educational implications
This article explores the need to implement Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) to mitigate information asymmetry in consumer relations. The opacity of AI algorithms often leaves consumers at a disadvantage, unable to understand the automated decisions that impact their choices. Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the study evaluates XAI tools, such as SHAP, LIME, and InterpretML, identifying the most effective ones to promote transparency and ethics. In addition to benefiting consumers, XAI also assists regulatory bodies in ensuring fair practices in the market. The results indicate that adopting XAI is essential to developing a more balanced and conscious market, where the explainability of algorithmic decisions strengthens trust and promotes more informed consumption.
Keywords: Explainable artificial intelligence; Information asymmetry; AI tools evaluation; AI education; AI ethics.
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