Addressing health needs during the Covid-19 pandemic
experience of medical teachers
Medical training focused on the biopsychosocial dimensions of the individual's health is a recent achievement, but irregular. Given the crucial influence of the faculty on medical education, this study aims to understand the perspective of teachers of a public university in São Paulo, from the first to the sixth grade, on the integration of the concept of Health Needs in the curriculum during the Covid-19 pandemic. Using the qualitative approach and the Grounded Theory, interviews were conducted remotely, resulting in five thematic categories. The category "Impact of the pandemic on teaching-learning" is highlighted, revealing that Covid-19 has brought significant challenges to medical teaching and practice, amplifying pre-existing obstacles. Teachers recognize the need to address health needs clearly, especially in pandemic contexts, through strategies such as Continuing Education. Limitations include conducting the interviews remotely, which met with resistance. In summary, the study points to the importance of ensuring medical training aligned with the health needs of patients, even in challenging scenarios such as the pandemic.
Keywords: Teaching; Medical education; Curriculum; Problem-based learning; Public health.
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