High school student’s disinterest in school:
elements of the OnLIFE Education paradigm for understanding performance gaps in the Brazilian education system
The global socio-ecological crisis, exacerbated by the challenges faced by vulnerable populations, is particularly pertinent in Brazil, a country marked by profound social inequalities, growing and significant episodes of climate change and a worrying educational reality. Here, we turn to secondary education, specifically thinking about school strategies that seek to raise awareness of sustainable and regenerative development and students' lack of interest in the school routine (Possa, 2018; 2023). This study adopts an interpretive research paradigm and uses Actor-Network Theory (Latour, 2005) as its main method, including methodologies such as case studies in the intermediate stages, focusing on the capitals of the Brazilian states, using interview techniques, questionnaires, focus groups, documentary analysis and content analysis. The research tries to answer how digital technologies figure in training practices aimed at Environmental Education in high schools in the 27 Brazilian State capitals. Results reveal a gap in teacher training to adopt educational strategies that integrate technologies in the OnLIFE education paradigm (Moreira; Schlemmer, 2020). Students' lack of interest in school routines is described here through six categories of analysis. In addition to expressions of dissatisfaction with the teaching model, generational mismatch and alleged lack of clarity about the purpose of certain curricular content, young people are demotivated, which hinders critical and emancipatory perspectives for social transformation and the improvement of life as a whole in the transition to digital culture and citizenship in the midst of the third industrial revolution (Rifkin, 2011).
Keywords: OnLIFE education; Third Industrial Revolution; High school; Conscious consuption; Sustainable development.
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