Contributions of a mobile application for returning presential school activities during the pandemic:
the case of a private institution in Taquara/RS
The article presents a discussion on the contributions of using a mobile application to organize the return to face-to-face school activities at a private educational institution, located in Taquara/RS, region of Paranhana, during the pandemic caused by Covid-19. So, in addition to researching functionalities of the technological tool (its characteristics and functioning), the research presents an exploratory approach by collecting and analyzing data related to the health of students that were automatically generated by the mobile application and provided to the researchers by the educational institution. It’s noteworthy that all information given to the researchers did not contain any identification data of the participants, maintaining an anonymous policy and respecting ethical issues. As results, it was diagnosed that the tool stimulates a collective awareness in the school community by providing updated and useful information gor the health organization of the school when returning to presential activities.
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